Back up the foodblog chain or Make your own reversible mutated memes!

What have I done?!? So oaky-dokey…um I tagged Tempered Woman for the 5 facts meme and like an adorable fluff ball of a kitten that is purring in your lap one moment and then suddenly extends all of its claws right into your tender thigh the next- she tagged me right back. I love her, I really do… she is irascible and irreverent but this is now about me-me-me… so being a girl with a heart for any fate (I hope) I guess I’ll play.

Here’s how Tempered Woman mutated the meme:

“Here are the new rules (are you still following this garbage?):
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself that:1. explain how you got your first or middle name,2. where you were born, 3. your favorite fruit, 4. something embarrassing about you and 5. answers the question “Your dream wedding would have to include…” You must also supply at least one funny photo that goes with one of your facts.
3. Tag as many people at the end of your post as you so desire and list their names (linking to them). You may tag the original sender if you change the rules.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs. Or, don’t. Just link to them and wait to see who actually reads your blog. Now cry yourself to sleep tonight”

Here are my answers:

1. Legend has it that My name came from a rather “blue” French novel read by my dad. My mom wanted to name me “Lisa Marie” -my dad eventually won and I was named Gabrielle. My mom called me Baby until she gave up on the other name.

2. I was born in a town in Southern Utah near the most amazing National Parks.

3. My favorite fruit – I love almost all of them, so who can choose? OK cherries, no wait pears, no wait….. see? I did hate pineapple for a long time but now I crave it sometimes.

4. Something embarrassing… yeah right- dream on- what? -you say I have to?, well  😛 to that I say….- okay well I sometimes talk in my sleep and once I fell asleep in the movies when I was a teenager on a Drama club trip – I hate people who talk in the movies so I was doubly embarrassed.

5. My next perfect wedding would include a ceremony by The Impressive Clergyman as follows:  

The Princess Bride (1987)

The Impressive Clergyman: Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam…
[cut to Westley, Inigo, and Fezzik]
The Impressive Clergyman: And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva…
[cut to the trio again]
The Impressive Clergyman: So tweasure your wuv.
Prince Humperdinck: Skip to the end.
The Impressive Clergyman: Have you the wing?
[cut to the trio once more]
The Impressive Clergyman: …and do you,Pwincess Buwwercup…
Prince Humperdinck: Man and wife. Say man and wife.
The Impressive Clergyman: Man an’ wife.

 ….Oh and now it must also include a margarita fountain as a tribute to Tempered woman.

The one new rule is you must link back to one person who has tagged you for a meme and they must link back to whomever tagged them- reversing it up the food chain so to speak.

So I am tagging LisaRene at Unique Little Bits for this.

Also this meme is now open to all who read and wish to play. Just link back to me so I can see you’ve answered.



  1. Holly says:

    LOL! Do you know my DH wouldn’t even watch that movie til we forced him. He still didn’t get it. That or Holy Grail. Seriously funny. I’ll have to try this mutation. Now, back to my aebelskiver hunt on your site! : )

  2. Tempered Woman says:

    Oh you are too funny girlfriend! I’m a total Princess Bride addict. Inconceivable!
    You are SO lucky you didn’t tag me back. You were smart to fear, heheh.

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